![]() When I was in high school, I had my whole life planned out. I was going to be an advertising executive, get married in my late 20s, have kids in my early 30s, and then live happily ever after. Yeah, yeah, I know– that’s pretty much everyone’s plan – well, at least the “happily ever after” part <I know you were thinking that >. As I got older, I realized that things don’t always turn out the way you planned -- sometimes they turn out even better. And I also learned that you can figure out what you want by experiencing what you don’t want. The one part of the plan that I did stick to was that I got my Bachelor’s degree in Advertising. Then I proceeded to get my first “professional job” right after graduation…making a whole whopping … wait for it … wait for it … $12,000/YEAR!! Even back then, I was thinking “I went to college for THIS?? I could bag groceries for a living and make that amount of money!” Not exactly what I had planned. So … <confession time> … I kind of got “fired” from that job. Okay, not exactly “fired,” just “let go.” The boss said, “You were the last person hired, and we need to let someone go.” I didn’t know whether to be insulted or to jump up and kiss him because of my exhilaration at being free from that horrible job! But if I hadn’t been fired, I wouldn’t have realized that I hate corporate jobs. And I wouldn’t have gone to graduate school when I did, which led to my current career (professor and wanna-be Oprah clone). I thought I wanted to work in advertising….as it turned out … I didn’t want that. And then there was a time when I thought I wanted to do consulting and training for organizations on the side. My thought process: “Well, it’s pretty much the same thing I do now … just as a one-time shot with different people every time. And I can make more money.” But then I realized I didn’t like it for a variety of reasons. So, after doing it a while, I realized … I didn’t want that. On the romantic side, I had relationships with men who I swore were “the one.” Until I realized… I didn’t want “that” relationship. I could go on and on with other examples from my life where I realized what I did want from having what I thought I wanted…but came to realize that I didn’t. But I won’t bore you with details. But I will bore you with the lesson of this blog: If you’re currently experiencing something that you don’t want … CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are one step closer to figuring out what you DO want!! It’s never a failure to be experiencing something you don’t want. It’s only a learning experience. So take those “don’t wants” of yours and turn them into “wants!” Having those “don’t wants” are really blessings in disguise! There is one thing that I do know for sure I would want. You’re asking, “What, Carol?” What else?! The obvious … To win the lottery, of course! <me and everyone else in the world! ha!> :) ***Subscribe to my Blog on this page! Then send me an email at [email protected] and I will send you my free E-Course called, "A Crash Course in Self-Talk." It will help you analyze and get over negative things you tell yourself, about yourself. This is the first step toward positive self-growth!*** ***Friend me on Facebok! https://www.facebook.com/carol.morgan.391*** My NEW book Radical Relationship Resource: A Guide to Repairing, Letting Go, or Moving On will be out SOON!!
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