![]() I'm an odd person. And before all of my friends and family who are reading this burst out into laughter as they agree with me, let me clarify. By "odd," I mean that I don't fit into a "box" - regarding pretty much anything. In other words, lots of people clearly define themselves in one way or another. For example, some people CLEARLY have a "Type A / Perfectionist" personality. And some people CLEARLY have a "Type B / Laid Back" personality. Others are definite extroverts, and some are definite introverts. But I can't put myself in any clear category regarding many areas of my personality. So Iet me give you some examples and tell you 8 ways that I am "Both-And" ... 1. Extrovert - Introvert I think I was more of an introvert as child. But as I have gotten older, I have become more extroverted. I have more friends and more social activity. And I love it. But I also need my alone time. I think about things in my head before they come out of my mouth (an introvert characteristic). But I feel fired up when I'm with people (extrovert) and drained when I'm alone too much (extrovert). I could go on an on. But even the Myers-Briggs Personality test confirms this. I call myself a "Middlevert." 2. Feminine - Masculine I look feminine. I wear make-up, have long hair, care about my clothes, and care deeply about my relationships. But psychologically, sometimes I'm very masculine. I am logical and rational. Sometimes I even ignore my intuition because I have analyzed too much. Anyway, I could go on. But I'm clearly androgynous (meaning, I have a balance of both). 3. Hard Worker - Lazy I used to think I was more a lazy sort of person. I didn't try very hard in school. I just did enough to get by with good enough grades so that my mom wouldn't yell at me about them. But I've realized that when I am passionate about something, I turn into a workaholic. I'm like a freight train that can't be stopped (hard worker). But I still can't get my laundry done or clean my house as often as I should (lazy). 4. Opinionated - "I don't give a sh@#" If you were to see me at a faculty meeting, you would think that I'm mute. I hardly say a word. UNLESS, I actually have a strong opinion. Ask my sisters - sometimes they get afraid of me because when I have an opinion, I must come across as if I'm angry or something. I don't do it on purpose. But I'm either like that (opinionated) or a mute (don't give a sh@#"). 5. Structured - Disorganized My friends call me a "clock eater" because I eat my meals at pretty much the same time every day. I also plan my life - my calendar is booked months in advance (structured). But if you ever come over to my house, please don't look inside my cupboards, in my laundry room, or some of my drawers. They are a disaster (disorganized). 6. High Maintenance - Low Maintenance I like a comfy bed (no camping for me...high maintenance). I take a long time to get ready in the morning. I have high expectations of people's behavior who are close to me (high maintenance). But I also don't care if I don't talk to some of my friends for months - or even years. I don't care if they don't call me back after I call them. I don' take anything personally (low maintenance). 7. Picky - Don't Care I have been single for many years after my divorce because I have very high standards for who I want to get into a relationship with. I know what I want, and I'm willing to wait forever if that's what it takes (picky). And I only like being around friends who lift me up instead of drain me (picky). But I don't judge other people in general. I'm pretty much a "live and let live" person. I don't care what you do - just be yourself (don't care). 8. Optimist - Pessimist I generally think of myself as an optimist. I believe that good things happen, I am happy, and I always encourage others to believe in themselves and their dreams. I teach people to have a positive viewpoint on life. But sometimes when I get a headache, I fear I have a brain tumor or that I am having a stroke (pessimist / hypochondriac). This blog is not intended to be an opportunity to talk about myself. And it's not intended for you to get a rare glimpse into my complicated psyche. But it is intended for you to think about the "both-and" areas of yourself. Honestly, I'm probably not that odd. Maybe a lot of you reading this were nodding your head in agreement when I was talking about my "both-ands." Keep in mind that it's okay to not fit into a "box." It's okay to have one foot in different boxes. In fact, it's not only okay, I think it makes you kind of interesting! #Iambiased #LOL
![]() I have a personal story to share with you this week regarding something that's been happening in my life, and how that relates to the Law of Attraction. If you haven't heard about the Law of Attraction, let me give you a brief overview. It was made popular several years ago by the book The Secret, although it's a concept that has been around for a very long time. Anyway, the point behind it is that your thoughts and emotions are actual vibrations that can be measured. Positive emotions like love and appreciation vibrate the fastest. And the negative, fear-based emotions like hatred, greed, or jealousy, vibrate very slowly. Think about it - when you feel loved and appreciated (or when you are experiencing loving or appreciating something), don't you feel good?? You feel like you can conquer the world! But on the other hand, when you feel negative emotions such as having to pay your bills when you don't have enough in your bank account, doesn't that make you feel bad? So how does this relate to my story? Well, for most of my adult life, I have felt that I was supposed to do 'more.' What that meant, I wasn't exactly sure. I love my 'day job' of being a professor, but I always felt a nagging in my heart that there was something else that I was supposed to do as well. Rewind about 10 years ago, and my vision started to take shape a bit. I envisioned some sort of online learning community where we all help each other to be better versions of ourselves. - a place for self-growth in a community setting. I had the idea. I just didn't have the technical or marketing skills to execute it. So about a year ago, I decided to put the Law of Attraction in action. And here's what happened... I made a vision board. For those of you who don't know what that is, I literally got a poster board and pasted photos on it - things or experiences that represented my goals. I put words on it like "helping people" and "paying it forward." I hung it up in my house and looked at it every day. Not much happened for a while. But about 2 months ago, God/The Universe just plopped something into my lap as if saying, "Here you go, Carol. Here's the opportunity you've been looking for all these years." What is it? I'm so happy you finally asked! ;-) It's called ABetterMeMagazine.com. Several months ago, the owners of the site found me through an article I wrote on another motivational website. Since then, we have formed a long-distant friendship, and then it happened. This website needed someone to take it over. It needed a vision. It needed passion. In short, it needed me (not to sound full of myself! Lol). But I needed them too. The owners of the site have the technical and marketing background that I was so sorely lacking all these years. And I had the passion and commitment to carry out their vision of where the wanted the site to go. In other words, they are the missing piece to my puzzle. And hopefully I am to theirs as well. We have just re-branded ourselves (the photo on this blog is the new logo - based on an ancient Celtic symbol of Mind/Body/Spirit and personal growth). And we also just re-launched the site. And I have BIG plans. Here's a sneak peek: webinars, video web show ('A Better Me TV'), opportunities for writers and authors to make their work known to the world. And much, much, more. So please take the time to check out our site: ABetterMeMagazine.com. And also please 'like' us on Facebook (click here). If the Law of Attraction worked for me, it can work for you. It might have taken a while to manifest my dream, but it happened. So don't give up on your dream if it hasn't come to fruition yet. Keep your vision and take action! It will happen someday!! :) ************* Be a part of my next book on INTUITION!!! Click here!! |
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April 2021
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